according to the notorious jim bell <>
{snip} They're getting desperate. "Sovereign Right of Lawful Access" doesn't state HOW DIFFICULT that "access" is to be. {snip}
Just might get a bit more 'difficult', if these demagogues get their grandstand play off....
Encryption Export Bill Backed In Senate
WASHINGTON - A bipartisan group of U.S. senators has endorsed a bill to promote U.S. exports of encryption technology by removing government barriers on foreign sales.
"Foreign companies are fully utilizing this technology, while Americans companies have their hands tied with draconian U.S. laws on encryption," Sen. John Ashcroft, R-Missouri, said.
He joined Sens Conrad Burns, R-Montana and Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont in endorsing the Promotion of Commerce Online in the Digital Era .................^^........^..^........^.............^.......^.. (PRO-CODE) bill.
Don't you just love their cute little acronym? Must have laid awake nights thinking that one up! Thomas M. McGhan voice: (410) 467-3335 fax: (410) 235-6961 pagenet: (410) 716-1342 cellular: (410) 241-9113 ICBM: 39.395N 76.469W