On Wed, Dec 03, 1997 at 06:10:32PM -0700, Jim Burnes wrote: [...]
Multidimensional political beliefs systems don't hash into the one dimensional left/right axis very well. The collision rate is too high.
For a somewhat better map at least check out the Nolan chart.
Interesting. I was absolutely dead center. Centrist Centrists favor selective government intervention and emphasize practical solutions to current problems. They tend to keep an open mind on new issues. Many centrists feel that government serves as a check on excessive liberty. Your Personal Self-Government Score is 50%. Your Economic Self-Government Score is 50%. -- Kent Crispin "No reason to get excited", kent@songbird.com the thief he kindly spoke... PGP fingerprint: B1 8B 72 ED 55 21 5E 44 61 F4 58 0F 72 10 65 55 http://songbird.com/kent/pgp_key.html