At 02:23 PM 7/20/01, dumbGeEk wrote:
into blowing open the Gary Condit fuck up... )
I mean this ass hole fucked some Intern and then killed her...
Your proof that he killed her? You've shared it with the D.C. police I take it? Condit is in custody now? Or should we downgrade this fantastically strong assertion to just your wild assed guess, and send the nice young men in clean white coats after you, to check you out?
maybe I'm a little crazy here (which I have been told oftern that I am) but that seems a hell of a lot more important then some fucking Commie.
Anyone who cannot distinguish between Russian citizens who were victims under communism and Communists deserves to be treated like a Communist. You need more than two clue pills.
Just my 2 cents (after about 12 beers...)
A little crazy? No. A lot drunk. Take two aspirin with the handful of clue pills, you'll need them. Oh, this is the last time I'm going to leave your To: and Cc: includes intact. If you don't have the style, grace or courtesy to send separate emails to different lists, you deserve the hangover you should wake up with and 10,000 more all at once too. Fuckhead. Reese