Timothy C. May wrote:
If a black-clad ninja enters my house without warning, I'll have to react the only way I know how, by reaching for my gun. I don't have the luxury of freezing, exposing my neck (wolf-style), and hoping that the ninjas are "just" the police.
Sir, you are not allowing for just how incredibly stupid the cops are. When they show up at your house, it is all over. They've already decided that you are scum. You'd have us believe that you lie awake stroking your gun. You have not had the opportunity to look closely at the business end of a gun. The hole looks enormous. Come off it grandpa. This is not a fashion show -- 'black-clad' indeed. The one 'black-clad' character that comes to mind is the _Economist_ editor found dead last year on his kitchen table wearing a tight-fitting latex number who expired having sex with him/itself. Of course this says nothing about the _Economist's_ readership, except most likely in your case. Forget the crocodile pits and the other juvenile stunts. If you have the slightest bit of incriminating material (queer porn?) on your hard drive, you'll roll over in no time and give your pals to the cops. These assholes would rather shoot you than admit to a mistake. One bullet from one of them, and they'll all execute you on the spot to cover for the idiot. -- Llywarch Hen