On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
Don't forget James - if in fact Bin Landen is involved in this then the facts remain that the US Government sponsored and assisted him during the Russian occupation of afganistan.
No the US government did not, though it surely would have had he showed any concern about Afghanistan earlier. Bin Laden was entirely untroubled by godless communists conquering, ruling, and terrorizing a muslim country. Bin Laden and the Taliban showed their faces long after the real holy warriors, people who do not make holy war on women and children, had sent the commies packing.
It seems you have alot to say - unfortunately no knowledge of what you are talking about. As I made clear to Declan - I was there from the beginning of the Soviet invasion. I was there when the americans began active sponsorship of the various mujahadin - including our evacuation of children maimed by the soviets. An evacuation which was mainly supported by the US military. Ben Laden was in fact there at the begining and he was actively supported by the US Military. They were the best of friends at the time. The support was in weapons and included strategic assistance against the soviet red army.
Bin Laden hates freedom, the freedom which leads to the US culturally dominating the middle east. He does not worry much about foreign military domination. The Soviet Union was a mere military threat, which did not endanger the souls of muslims, only their freedom and property.
Laden does not hate freedom - he was a "freedom fighter" and has an excellent reputation in the arab world as being a freedom fighter. Your military analysis of the Soviets is also out to lunch. The soviets expended a considerable number of military resources and were rewarded with lots of body bags in return for their efforts. Nikolai Kovalyov, the former head of the Russian FSB security service, has just warned the US that an attack on Afghanistan would fail to capture Osama bin Laden, and would backfire on the US. "In Afghanistan's mountainous terrain it takes a trainload of explosives to destroy three militants," he said. "The chance of hitting bin Laden is zero." So in short James - if the U.S. invades - get the body bags ready. I find it insulting James that you would argue from an ignorant position and just say things off the top of your head without any idea of the consequences involved. As I have said before, the only way to win a war in afganistan is to nuke it. And I predict that will bring the nukes to american soil - if they are not there already. This is a serious situation james. Alot of boys are going to die as a result of this invasion and it's ignorant people like yourself who fuel the fires of victory which some day like vietnam will end up bringing shame to the american public. This is not a game james - this is reality. A harsh reality that if ignored will result in more pain and suffering in america. regards joe -- The dot.GOD Registry, Limited http://www.dot-god.com/