On Dec 26, 2003, at 4:48 PM, Michael Kalus wrote:
The German law clearly defines what is hate speech. It is not an easy task as you can see in a six month trial.
Germany, or any State that restricts words or thought, needs a regime change with extreme prejudice.
Then I guess you better start liberating the world. Pretty much any country in the world has a law against hate speech.
Some do, some don't. The U.S., for all its oft-cited faults, doesn't. It's not a violation of any national or state (California) law to argue that negroes are monkeys, that Germany's main failure was to miss getting the last 100K Jews (the main cause of their problems today, as the dreidl-spinners yammer about Nazism while arguing for socialism), and so on. One or two states in the U.S. tried to implement "hate speech" laws, but the Supremes, in a rare moment when the negroes and Jews were outnumbered, said "Go back and read the First Amendment, you fucking dweebs and Hebes."
Certain symbols (e.g. Swastika) are forbidden as well.
Are there exceptions for Buddhists and Amerinds? Moron.
All symbols that are related to Nazism. One of the reasons (if not the reason) why they banned "Wolfenstein 3D".
You've been brainwashed by your Yid masters. The swastika goes back to very, very old Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist symbology. Hitler read about it in some magazine and adopted it as his own. You make me sick. I hope the ovens are fired up again and you are sent to one for a nice, long, _very_ hot shower. --Tim May