The cited examples were of restaurants and other businesses in town which had rules against employees wearing nose rings, tongue studs, spiky hair, mohawks, lip piercings, tatoos, scarification, and such things. And "weight discrimination," as in the also-famous case of a Santa Cruz health food store turning down the employment application of a "person of poundage." (The grossly obese Toni Cassista, who sued the health food store citing weight discrimination...I believe she eventually settled out of court.)
Tim, that's only because the city didn't want to remove the ceiling of the courtroom and hire a crane to lower her into the courtroom through the roof. And they were busy trying to file charges against her for something else entirely. See, she had chemicals within her body in a "quantity not warranted by any legitimate purpose" and "which, when mixed, could be used to produce nerve gas." They figured if she ever ate some beans those beans might act as an ignition charge and...well, no more Santa Cruz. It could have been worse (for her) though. They could have charged her with "possession of a gas discharge device with intent to break wind."