sphantom wrote:
If someone named SandMan asks you to check out his page on the WEB
It is at www.geocities.com/vienna/6318
This page hacks into your C:/ drive. DO NOT GO THERE
All I see there is a few midi files and some badly-written HTML. Nothing there to hack into my C:/ drive. I don't even have a C: drive. If you were running a more secure operating system, you wouldn't either.
I am curious how this person does it.
You obviously haven't been reading this list very long. There are lots of way to do nasty things to microslob windoze, including: Buffer overruns in IE, javascript bugs in web browsers, launching applications thru mime-types, SMB bugs (oob-attack, cd ..\, and others), macro (and other) viruses, buffer overruns in the tcp stack (oversized pings, etc), as well as the near infinite number of possible active-x exploits.