If you want to order one of our downloadable Millions Of Emails Bulk Email Lists or downloadable Target Email Lists Click Here to email us :yhzx599@vip.sina.com.Tell me what are you want to buy.
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Deposit Methods:We accept deposits in any currency

To wire money please contact our customer service representatives either by email

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the silver star internet information Company in China
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I Want To Order Now

Email Marketing
Email more than 2,500,000+ TARGETED prospects EVERYDAY! That's over 75,000,000+ prospects per month (and growing!). Our Optin email safelists are 100% Optin and 100% legal to use. Your ad will reach only those prospects who have requested to be included in Optin safelists for people interested in new business opportunities, products and services.
 Welcome to my Email Marketing Page, if your thinking about sending email for advertising  email us yhzx599@vip.sina.com, I will help you figure our what kind of email campaign you need for your product, I send bulk email for you. I also sell a fax database for fax blasting,

We sell the following packages: -


 We Send The Email For You Service !

500,000 Targeted Emails Sent $100.00 Buy Now
1,000,000 Targeted Emails Sent $250.00 Buy Now
2,000,000 Targeted Emails Sent $400.00 Buy Now

Order please email us: yhzx599@vip.sina.com


 Bulk Email Lists

 175 Million Email Address $ 125 Buy Now
 125 Million Email Address $ 100 Buy Now
   50 Million Email Address $ 85 Buy Now
   25 Million Email Address $ 65 Buy Now
   10 Million Email Address $ 40 Buy Now
 MLM  Lists $ 75 Buy Now
 Any City Or State List (USA) $ 75 Buy Now
  1 MillionEmail Address (Japan) $ 75 Buy Now
 100,000 Email Address (HongKong) $ 40 Buy Now
 100,000 Email Address (TaiWan) $ 40 Buy Now

1.5 Million Fax Numbers

$ 49 Buy Now

Email List free Download(hongkong email list)