A very good overview of all network coding for the purposes of data distribution (i.e., making digital fountains) can be found at: www.eecs.harvard.edu/~michaelm/postscripts/itw2004.pdf Some of the more interesting and practical codes, such as Raptor codes (discussed at the end of that paper), are covered by patents. Another network coding that is comparable to Raptor codes is Online codes. The following paper, by the creator of Online codes, presents an efficient algorithm for downloading large files using them: http://mnl.cs.stonybrook.edu/home/karthik/BitTorrent/papers/incentives/torea... /rateless_codes.ps IIRC, the creator of Online codes -- Petar Maymounkov -- started a company Rateless and was going to patent them. But Online codes fell into the scope of Digital Fountain's patents, who own the Raptor codes. So I don't know who owns the patents for Online codes anymore, but rest assured they're patented :( - Mike Quoting Nigini Oliveira <nigini@gmail.com>:
Hello All.
I'm researching these days on some kind of codes that helps the distribution of data at networks (Error Correcting Codes). I would like to know if someone have good references (digital in preference) about how the real systems implements these codes and related ideas. For example: How are the files divided in pices to be shared? And how the pices are rebuild togheter?
-- Nigini Abilio Oliveira Mestrando em Computa??o UFCG - DSC - COPIN www.nigini.com.br nigini@gmail.com nigini@dsc.ufcg.edu.br
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