On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Stephen Cobb, CISSP wrote:
Thanks for the tip. Sounds great. I just ordered mine.
Readers accustomed to "instant gratification" are warned that the publisher is now saying "you should receive it by August 1."
I just ordered mine, they said mid July... =====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian | "If you wanna touch the sky, you must |./|\. ..\|/..|sunder@sundernet.com| be prepared to die. And I hate cough |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ | syrup, don't you?" |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, | For with those which eternal lie, with |.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"| strange aeons, even death may die. |..... ======================== http://www.sundernet.com =========================