Subject: Swiss radio international tape Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 17:45:06 -0700 From: bill payne <> To: Knuth Hope you got a copy of the tape. I wonder or not whether you knew that NSA ACTIVELY tried to suppress knowledge and research on shift register sequences. And Forth too. Looks like possibly a BAD SCENE ahead. Best, allahu akbar, etc. bill Title: Don Knuth's Home Page : Donald E. Knuth (<img src="" align="absmiddle" border=0 alt="U+9AD8+5FB7+7EB3">), Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University, welcomes you to his home page. <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Frequently Asked Questions <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Recent News <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Computer Musings --> <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Known Errors in My Books <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Important Message to all Users of TeX <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Help Wanted <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Preprints of Recent Papers <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Curriculum Vitæ <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Pipe Organ <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Downloadable Graphics <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Downloadable Programs <img src="" alt="*" align="top" border=0 hspace=10>Expecting a check from me? (don't click here) <img src="" align="absmiddle" border=0 hspace=10>Stanford Computer Science Home Page Thursday 3/12/98 7:34 AM Certified - Return Receipt Requested Cynthia McKinney 124 Cannon Building Washington, DC 20515 Office: (202)225-1605 Fax: (202)226-0691 Dear Representative McKinney: PURPOSE of this letter is to ask your help for us to obtain copes of docket sheets from the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals for cases No. 94-2205, Payne v Sandia and 95-2204, Morales v Sandia. All of our legal efforts to obtain these documents, which any citizen has a right to, have failed. REASON you are selected to help is that you appear to be knowledgeable about operation of the current US federal government and willing to speak out in an attempt to solve problems. You appeared Friday February 27, 1998 on PBS, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, along with senators Campbell, Hollings, Lott, Shelby Robb and representatives Dana Rohrabacher and Harold Rogers. These senators and congressmen appeared not to support your views because they are either mis- or not well-informed about US involvement in support of Saddam Hussein. Stories supporting your view appear on Internet at NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iraq-Iran Conflict by J. Orlin Grabbe and Crypto AG: The NSA's Trojan Whore? by Wayne Madsen Madsen begins It may be the greatest intelligence scam of the century: For decades, the US has routinely intercepted and deciphered top secret encrypted messages of 120 countries But NSA , and as a result the US federal government, apparnetly got caught involved in complicity of deaths of about 500,000 Iranians. This is the subject of a Federal lawsuit seen on Internet at US federal government help of Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war may possibly backfire on innocent US citizens. The Wall Street Journal, March 10, 1998, pp. B1, B9. reports A Peek Inside a Giant Germ Warehouse By Rochelle Sharpe Rockville, Md. -- They keep anthrax bacteria in the basement of a faded red-brick building here. It isn't far from the yellow-fever virus, the botulism bacteria and some of the hundreds of organisms that cause the common cold. In fact, there are samples of 85,000 different fungi, viruses, cells, genes and bacteria here at the American Type Culture Collection, by far the largest of the 450 repositories of biological materials scattered around the globe. ... The ATCC legally shipped 10 vials of anthrax, botulism and other deadly substances to Iraqi scientists in the 1980s -- when the U.S. and Iraq were on much friendlier terms -- all with the Commerce Department's approval. ... The US federal government apparently intended these bioweapons to be used against the people of Iran. You demonstrated on PBS TV a quality identified by Francis Bacon The contemplation of things as they are, without error or confusion, without substitution or imposture, is in itself a nobler thing than a whole harvest of invention. by your statement about Saddam Hussein on PBS ...our man and our creation... Perhaps after reading the above materials and The Problem of Paradigm Shifts - Terrorism and the Threat From Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East Working Draft Anthony H. Cordesman, Senior Fellow and Co-Director Middle East Studies Program October 22, 1996 senators Campbell, Hollings, Lott, Shelby, Robb and representatives Dana Rohrabacher and Harold Rogers MAY NOW understand why you are correct and they are mis- or not well-informed about US involvement with Saddam Hussein. PROBLEM we face with the US court system is that court clerks and judges have committed Title 18 felony violation of law IN WRITING in an attempt to deny us monetary compensation due us for the cases WE WON at the Tenth Circuit on Appeal. But judges awarded victories to the US federal government in violation of Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. Cases No. 94-2205, Payne v Sandia and 95-2204, Morales v Sandia were both won pro se on appeal. We have filed a writ of mandamus with supreme court judge Scalia in an attempt to get the docket sheets for the two above cases. But Scalia will not answer our certified letters. Senator McCain wrote Payne on December 23, 1997 I wanted to take this opportunity of than you for you letter of December 3, 1997. Your situation is in the jurisdiction of Senator Pete Dominici. Therefore, I have forwarded you letter to his attention. William, I hope you situation can be resolved favorably. Lawyers and politicians Dominici and Bingaman are part of a problem not a solution. Dominici and Bingaman have the following agenda University of New Mexico Bureau for Business and Economic Research reported on October 14, 1997: A The Gross State Product of New Mexico is $37.8 billion. B The US Federal government sends $11.3 billion to New Mexico each year. C For each $1 New Mexico sends to Washington, New Mexico gets $2 back. THEREFORE, Representative McKinney, we ask your help to get copies of the docket sheets. Citizens of the US are becoming more upset with the behavior of bureaucrats, the courts [lawyers], and the US federal government. Some Americans have no other way to express their dissatisfaction with US federal government mismanagement of our country except by violence. Frederick Douglass either wrote or said on August 4, 1847 Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightening. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them. These will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. We chose to use the words and law to hold government employees accountable. Please encourage Scalia to do his job. Help get us copies of the docket sheets. And even perhaps help investigate further and settle this American tragedy. Sincerely, Arthur R. Morales William H. Payne 1023 Los Arboles NW 13015 Calle de Sandias NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 Albuquerque, NM 87111 Enclosures 1 NSA, Crypto AG, and the Iraq-Iran Conflict by J. Orlin Grabbe 2 Crypto AG: The NSA's Trojan Whore? by Wayne Madsen 3 Swiss Radio International Audio tape, 15 May, 18 July 1994 Distribution Ben Nighthorse Campbell Ernest Hollings Trent Lott Richard Shelby Charles Robb Jim Lehrer Title: Space Related Applications of Forth Space-Related Applications of Forth Compiled by James Rash NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland Introduction. The following table presents space-related applications of Forth microprocessors and the Forth programming language, including spacecraft flight system controllers on-board payload experiment controllers ground support systems (e.g., communications controllers and data processing systems) hardware or software used to build or test either flight or ground systems. Developers are requested to supply table updates and corrections, as well as information regarding relevant projects not already included, as appropriate. Please send information, comments, and suggestions to the author of this web page. Authorization for release of the information is the responsibility of the contributor. Please notify the author concerning any non functional URLs, links, or contact information in the table. Further information on Forth, including the ANSI standard (ANS Forth): Forth Interest Group Maryland Forth Interest Group: --> Taygeta Notice: Nothing appearing in these pages is to be construed as an endorsement by NASA. The information may be changed or withdrawn at any time without notice. The author has obtained the information from sources believed to be reliable, and has attempted to ensure accuracy, but makes no guarantees or representations of any kind. Copying, using, and distributing the table is authorized, provided it is kept intact, properly attributed, and accompanied by this Notice. DEVELOPER MISSION DESCRIPTION FURTHER INFORMATION (note: remove blanks from email addresses given below) Ball Aerospace (click on "Aerospace" link) Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) Star Scanner instrument & control software, using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Advanced X-Ray Astronomical Facility (AXAF) Software to control the Science Instrument selection and focus mechanisms, using Harris RTX 2010 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Advanced X-Ray Astronomical Facility (AXAF) Software to operate precision CCD Aspect Camera, using Harris RTX 2010 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Earth Observing System (EOS) Scanning mirror controller for the Thermal Imaging Radiometer (TIR), using Harris RTX 2010 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Midcourse Sensor Experiment (MSX) - SDIO Star Tracker instrument & control software, using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Military aircraft Star Tracker instrument & control software, using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Miniature Seeker Technology Integration (MSTI) Star Tracker instrument & control software, using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Star Tracker instrument & control software, using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Shuttle Star Tracker instrument & control software, using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) Star Tracker instrument & control software, using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor Ball Aerospace X-ray Timing Explorer (XTE) Star Tracker instrument & control software, using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Advance Composition Explorer (ACE) Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer (CRIS) instrument controller hardware (RTX2010) and software in Forth Walter Cook at wrc@ California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Advance Composition Explorer (ACE) Solar IsotopeSpectrometer (SIS) instrument controller hardware (RTX2010) and software in Forth Walter Cook at wrc@ Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) USAF DMSP Magnetometer instrument control JHU/APL USAF DMSP Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI), 5 missions over 15 years using Harris RTX 2010 Forth microprocessor JHU/APL Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite ULEIS (Ultra Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer), using embedded Harris RTX 2010 Forth microprocessor JHU/APL CASSINI spacecraft Magnetospheric Imager (MIMI) using Harris RTX 2010 Forth microprocessor JHU/APL HILAT Magnetometer instrument control JHU/APL Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT) Instrument control, on-line data analysis, telemetry JHU/APL MAGSAT Attitude Control Processor JHU/APL "Polar Bear" (Polar Beacon & Auroral Research Satellite) Magnetometer instrument control JHU/APL US Navy LONARS High precision navigation receiver using Loran-C Real time data processing & sensor control software JHU/APL Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Command & Telemetry Processor, Multi-Spectral Imaging System, Infrared Spectrograph and Magnetometer, X-ray/Gamma-ray Spectrometer, and Laser Rangefinder, all using the Harris RTX 2010RH Forth microprocessor Los Alamos National Laboratory Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite Solar wind data processing unit, using Harris RTX 2010 Forth microprocessor McDonnell Douglas Shuttle - Electrophoresis Operations in Space (1986) Pharmaceutical purification process control software Robert Wood at rwood@ McGill University International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-1) (Shuttle mission STS-42) Space Adaptation Syndrom Experiment management and data acquisition for four out of seven life science experiments Luc Lefebvre at lefebvre@ NASA/GSFC Compatibility Test Van (CTV) Dual channel PCM simulator system software NASA/GSFC Compatibility Test Van (CTV): Landsat, HST, GRO, COBE, UARS, etc., Wallops, Data Evaluation Lab Programmable Data Formatter III system software NASA/GSFC CRAF/CASSINI MASSACQ Flight Instrument Test/Calibration System NASA/GSFC Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) Command and data acquisition system written in Forth Mark Yarbrough at yarbrough@ NASA/GSFC Massively Parallel Processor (MPP) Image processing software NASA/GSFC NCC Mission Operations Support Area (MOSA) ITR (Intelligent Transmitter/Receiver) -- Interface board for MOSA (formerly Mini-NOCC) Front End Thomas Sardella at Thomas.E.Sardella.1@ NASA/GSFC Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra Violet (SSBUV) ozone calibration instrument with 8 successful Shuttle bay flights Small Payload Accommodation Module (SPAM) interface controller software written in Forth Bob Caffrey at Robert.T.Caffrey.1@ NASA/GSFC Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultra Violet (SSBUV) Instrument Interface Electronics Module (IIEM) software written in Forth John T. (Tom) Riley at john.t.riley.1@ NASA/GSFC Shuttle Ozone Limb Sounder Experiment (SOLSE) A "Hitchhiker Junior", to fly summer '97 -- instrument controller written in Forth (ditto) NASA/GSFC Limb Ozone Retrieval Experiment (LORE) A small independent instrument within SOLSE -- instrument controller written in Forth (ditto) NASA/GSFC Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) on Space Shuttle Astro-2 mission Dedicated Experiment Processor (DEP) written in Forth Peter Chen at chen@ NASA/GSFC Small Spacecraft Technology Initiative (SSTI) (Lewis Research Center/TRW) Goddard Electronics Module (GEM) data acquisition processor using Harris RTX-2010 Jay T. Miller at jay.t.miller.1@ NASA/GSFC ACE (JHU/APL) Spacecraft Loads & Acoustic Monitor (SLAM) simultaneous data acquisition and downlink subsystem using Harris RTX-2010 (ditto) NASA/GSFC Wideband Transport Frame Formatter (WTFF) Virtual channel processor & system controller for the Advanced Orbiting Systems (AOS) Testbed using Harris RTX 2000 Forth microprocessor Jose Bentancort at Jose@ NASA/JSC Shuttle, IML-1 Krug Life Sciences Microgravity Vestibular Investigations NASA/JPL Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR-B) Command & control software NASA TOPEX Portion of Ground Support Equipment software Orbital Sciences Corporation ORBCOMM Experimental Package OXP-1 on Pegasus Flight & experiment software Orbital Sciences Corporation ORBCOMM Experimental Package OXP-1 on Pegasus Flight & experiment software Orbital Sciences Corporation (formerly Fairchild Space & Defense) USAF Multimission Modular Spacecraft (MMS) Multiplex Data Bus Monitor/Recorder test equipment using Harris RTX2000 microprocessor and firmware written in Forth Mark A. Mowen at markmowen@ Orbital Sciences Corporation ORBCOMM-X Telemetry, flight control support Orbital Sciences Corporation USAF APEX Data management and power control software Orbital Sciences Corporation SeaStar Sea WiFs data management and power control software Orbital Sciences Corporation/Hercules Pegasus Telemetry & flight control Radio Amateur Satellite Corp. (AMSAT-DL (Germany)) AMSAT OSCAR 10, OSCAR 13, OSCAR 21, and (in development) Phase 3-D amateur radio satellites Integrated Housekeeping Unit (including navigation, attitude control, telemetry and telecommand tracking, payload control, power management, health & safety, and propulsion control) and Ground Support Equipment, all using the Forth-like language IPS (Interpreter for Process Structures). OSCAR 21 used the Harris RTX2000 microprocessor. Swedish Space Corp./JHU/APL Freja Magnetometer experiment control Lawrence Zanetti at zanetti@ University of California Galileo Magnetic Field Experiment instrument control University of Wisconsin Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment (WUPPE) Instrument control US Navy SPINSAT Portion of ground support equipment software USSR Baikonur Cosmodrome Telemetry data analysis & retrieval workstations Vertex Communications Corporation Satellite earthstation antenna systems 7210 Monopulse Antenna Control System on Motorola 68030 platform sales@ Last revised: 4 March 1998 Name Mail Code Responsible management official Sylvia Sheppard 588 Author James Rash at james.rash@ 588 <!-- Responsible management official: Sylvia Sheppard/Code 522.0, Email: Author: James Rash/Code 522.2. Email: Name Code Responsible management official Sylvia Sheppard 522.0 Author James Rash 522.2 --> For reference purposes, this page is located at URL: