Hello all, Well after joining this list a few days ago, i've decided to take the plunge and post something. I was looking for feedback on an idea for a site. I hope this dosen't violate any rules for posting and i appologise if it does. Please dont flame me for my ignorance if i've broken any unspecified rules for posting. Anyway on to my idea. I'm a Christian (NO not some religious right looney from the states). My idea was to setup a site dedicated to secure and anonymous transmiion of data. The appilication being for Christian missionaries in dangerous countries, but also as a general purpose site for crypto and anoniminty. I was hoping to collect information on setting up anon remailers of various types and compiling links and articles for the site. Can anybody point me in the right direction ? Again i hope i haven't offended anyone or broken any posting rules to this forum. Jason =8-]