eHealthInsurance offers a FREE online service, where you can quickly learn about health insurance, shop and compare the largest selection
of plans, and buy the plan that meets your needs right online...

Visit us Now for a FREE Instant Quote - it's FAST and EASY!

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Comparison Shopping ...The easiest way to compare
Free Help & Advice .....Over 100 Representatives & licensed professionals ready to help you!
Brand-Name Insurers ... Blue Cross/BlueShield, Golden Rule, UNICARE & many more**!

With rates as low as $48 a month!*, a few minutes of your time can go a long way! Visit us and get a free online quote!

*Rates based on a healthy, 31-year old, non-smoking male in California.
**Individual rates will vary based on health history and geographical location.
Health insurance products presented by eHealthInsurance Services, Inc., Copyright © 1998-2002 eHealthInsurance Services, Inc. For licensing information, please click here.
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