Paul Bradley wrote:
Hallam-Baker, realizing he is a soft target, wrote:
I would say that the visible and government-vilified militia groups have been damaged by this, because of the killing of innocents. Where is the second AP bot, I know about the one at sympatico.......
I find it very hard to credit people as being opposed to censorship when they make thinly veiled threats of murder when people post things they don't like. This is the type of censorship that the IRA uses in NI, Catholics who join organisations opposed to the IRA get death threats and threats of punishment beatings. When the parents of the five year old murdered by an IRA bomb placed in a rubish bin outside a McDonalds announced a US speaking tour the IRA threatened to murder them. Murdering your opponents for what they say is censorship. Bell's Murder Politics scheme was a censorship scheme. The fact that Miltia sympathisers condone censorship through murder while fulminating at censorship by governement does not surprise me in the least. i can guess that someone will try to redefine censorship to exclude death threats. It is precisely beause of this type of behaviour that people consider the militias and their sympathisers to be fascist in nature and a threat to the values they claim to defend. Phill