? the Platypus {aka David Formosa} shaped the electrons to read ...
On Sun, 7 Dec 1997, Harish Pillay wrote:
Well, indeed, the top level ISPs here have choosen to use filtering proxy servers to filter out an alleged list of 100 porno sites
May I ask why thay have choosen to switch on these filters?
The story goes like this. The Singapore Broadcasting Authority wanted to have a mechanism to filter out "undesirable" sites. They know extremely well that it cannot be done successfully but nonetheless, due to political point scoring (1996 being election year), they had to be seen to be doing something. So, they trialed with the ISP the use of filter lists with the proxy servers to see how they can implement their censorship rules. Then when they finally announced the policy, the SBA quickly covered their asses by saying that they leave it to the ISPs to choose the weapon to do the SBA's evil deed. The ISPs, having trialed the filter mechanism, decided to continue with it which is just as well, for we can easily work around it. So, today, there are an alleged 100 sites that are on the filter list. What these sites are, are a unknown. Nonetheless there is an effort to independently discover the list (http://www.sintercom.org/hunt/rahunt.html). Also, read http://home.pacific.net.sg/~harish/fiasco for an angle on the whole issue. Regards. -- Harish Pillay h.pillay@ieee.org Singapore *** Ask me about Linux *** http://home.pacific.net.sg/~harish