I just came across the following ad on Usenet. For all I know this could be an El Federales troll. I'm reposting it because I thought it might be of interest. I know nothing more about it. From: OMG-OFFSHORE <omg@theoffice.net> Newsgroups: alt.business.home.pc,alt.business.offshore,alt.business.import-exp xt,alt.business.misc,misc.entrepreneurs,can.atlantic.biz,misc.forsale.non-comp xtr,biz.next.newprod,biz.marketplace.non-computer,biz.americast,biz.comp,biz.c xt.misc,biz.marketplace.international,biz.marketplace,biz.misc,biz.newgroup,bi xtomp.services,can.atlantic.forsale,can.atlantic.general,can.com.misc,misc.inv xt.marketplace,alt.internet.commerce,biz.univel.misc Subject: ANONYMOUS BANKING! Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 21:37:52 +0200 http://www.theoffice.net/omg We have updated our site! START YOUR OWN OFFSHORE BANK! Unlimited possibilities! Visit our site for more info. You will be able to set up your offshore bank for less than $10.000. The bank is registered in a major European country. No additional capital or qualification requirements. OFFSHORE BANKACCOUNT & CREDITCARD *No bank reference required *No minimum opening deposit *No creditchecks TOTALLY ANONYMOUS BANKACCOUNTS *Not even the bank will know who you are *No ID required for cash withdrawals TOTALLY ANONYMOUS COMPANIES & CORPORATE BANKACCOUNTS *Your name will not show up anywhere *Complete with corporate bankaccount ACCEPT CREDITCARDS *No Business history required *No monthly minimum *Not restricted to the United States *Mail order & Internet businesses accepted Visit our site at http://www.theoffice.net/omg -- ******************************************************************** OMG-OFFSHORE INC. Offshore bank accounts * Offshore company formations * 2nd Passports http://www.theoffice.net/omg mailto:omg@theoffice.net ******************************************************************** (As our Okrainian colleagues put it, "Za sho kupyv, za to prodav". -DV) --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps