Sunday, Jan 7 2001 7:32

The 360.01 Summit is set for January 11, 2001 at the Austin Music Hall
in the heart of downtown Austin, Texas. It's going to be fast and
furious, edgy and erudite, compelling and constructive, so mark your
Palm Pilots and grab your whiffle balls.  

The 360.01 Summit, the third in a series of annual conferences for
high-level executives in Austin, was founded in 1998 by civic
entrepreneurs as a non-profit, grassroots endeavor. The 360 Summit
brings together the top echelon of Austin's new economy with community
and regional leaders to enhance and strengthen Austin's technology
community, to maintain Austin's quality of life, to focus on the areas
that need improvement and to assign responsibility for improving them.
As hoped, the 360 Summit is serving as an ongoing catalyst to affect
change, and the resulting outcome has been an exponential amount of
continuing dialogue and action at the highest levels of both industry
and community.

360.01 PROGRAM
Monday, January 8, 2001

6:30 pm
KLRU Studios
2504 B Whitis
Thursday, January 11, 2001

360.01 SUMMIT
7:15 am: Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 am: Summit Begins
Austin Music Hall
208 Nueces
Sessions throughout the day will focus on issues critical to the
of Austin and its tech community. Topics include:

* Pass or fail?: Austin high tech�s report card

* Reality check: Is our day in the sun over?

* I told you so!: Forecasting Austin business

* Yes, they are your kids: High tech in education

* Role playing: Community involvement

* How much is enough?: Making an impact

* The five-day forecast: What�s next?

7:00 pm
Austin Music Hall
208 Nueces
More information about the 360.01 Summit will be posted to this Web
site as it beco

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