At 16:44 2003-05-16 -0700, Steve Schear wrote:
At 16:18 2003-05-16 -0700, Steve Schear wrote:
At 19:02 2003-05-16 -0400, you wrote:
From: "Major Variola (ret)" <mv@cdc.gov>
Are there no utilities that let Joe Sixpack record his own CSS-"protected" movies? One would have to choose a CSS key, but these are known, as is the CSS algorithm.
The CSS keys are in an area of the disc that cannot be written to by any DVD recorder. Only the DVD-pressing machines can create CSS-protected discs.
I think not. Anyone can buy Authoring disks and PC-DVD recorders are openly available to record such disks. Both cost more than General Purpose disks.
I stand corrected. Further research indeed indicates that neither the General Purpose or Authoring disks can be used to store CSS data. steve