Came across this interview of an ATM machine in Antartica Here is a snippet of the Q&A session from the interview: " DP: You know, that is a very good question, and you're right it is challenging--certainly makes for a long commute for our servicers. I'm kidding thereb&tongue-in-cheekb& No, actually, what we do--first of all, the cash on the ice is recycled. So McMurdo Station (which is the scientists' station there on Antarctica)... any sort of venue, the cash is all recycled, and so there's no cash vendor that has to go down all the time to a regular ATM to replenish the cash volume. W: Rightb&there's only so many places one can run with cash down there, I assume. " That brings us to the obvious question, why not use something like a debit card hooked to a central network? Why does hard currency have to flow? Will not the time and effort be far lesser, in case of the former? Thanks, Sarad.