Subject2: Lurker adds another Thread... Many people, I assume, have used, or at least heard of IRC. For those of you who haven't, it is a real time chat system made up of many servers that clients(users) connect to. Once connected the user can talk to pretty much anyone else on the system. It is similar to CIS's CB and other CB simulators/chat-lines. For more info, ftp to CSA.BU.EDU and look in the "/irc" directory, both servers and clients can be found. The current "problem" with irc is that when you connect, anyone can figure out who you are. Or if you have "hacked" up the standard client, people can figure out your hostname. This doesn't allow private/anonymous connections to happen. The "fix" I decided was to modify the server code and make all connections completely anonymous. Anonyminity is to all, the Server keeps no long-term records of the machines it is connected to, and the only connection information it keeps is in socket information. Owning the Server does not give you access to Clients information. Now, the only way people are identified by, is their chosen Nickname or alias. I have this server up and running on my own machine with basically no one using it currently. I would like to see what people think, pros & cons, of real-time anonymous chat. If you would like more information, you can send me email. Or you can either compile your own client, or run an existing one. Change your server to "DROWN.SLIP.ANDREW.CMU.EDU", and you should connect. Disclaimer: Since this is still an experimental server, no guarentee will/can be made about your protection. -Matt (