Hi, Forwarded message:
From: "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@amaranth.com> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 97 17:48:52 -0500 Subject: Re: Anonymous proxies & ITAR question
The renter of a car or truck is not responsible for the contents. The driver of a truck is ^^^^^^
The renter is not responsible until they take contractual possession of the truck. From that point until placed on the companies property and the key is placed in the lock-box hanging on the fence (or whatever system they use where you live) it is the responsibility of the renter/driver/physical possessor of the truck for its behaviour or contents.
If I went and rented a truck and there was a "roach" in the ashtray I should not be held accountable for possesion unless it could be proved that it was mine and not from someone else that had used the truck or even a worker at the retal shop.
Ofcource if I had the trailer loaded with 100K of coke it would be a little hard to say that someone else left it there. :)
Why should coke be treated any different than pot? How much pot should I be able to put in such a truck and 'get away' with as a function of SOP? How much coke? No, ambiguity like this has no place in law. The litmus test should be whether a person or their property were damaged without their prior permission. Crimes should be a function of physical interaction and not some qualitative or even quantitative test. If it is a crime to do 100 of them then it should be a crime to do 1/10 (assuming it should be a crime in the first place). I can see it now, "Sorry sir, we had to let him go. He only 1/4 raped her." Blah. ____________________________________________________________________ | | | _____ The Armadillo Group | | ,::////;::-. Austin, Tx. USA | | /:'///// ``::>/|/ http:// www.ssz.com/ | | .', |||| `/( e\ | | -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- Jim Choate | | ravage@ssz.com | | 512-451-7087 | |____________________________________________________________________|