On Sat, 7 Feb 1998, Alan Tu wrote:
anything more recent? Also, whereas 1024 bits was the commonly accepted threshhold for key lengths more than two years ago, what's the threshhold now? Because I have DOS (and like it) I use PGP 2.63ix, when should I retire my 1024-bit key? I don't expect anybody to answer that I should do so immediately, but can someone give me an idea on what people are doing in regard to key length?
Alan Tu
8192 bits is used now. you can generate 8192 bit keys with PGP 2.6.3ui (the unofficial international version). check out "PGP Projects" at http://www.westfalen.de/hugo/pgp/ or "The Unofficial International PGP Home Page" at http://members.tripod.com/~Crompton/pgp.htm for info and download. [note: you can of course generate MUCH larger keys, but i'm attempting to be practical for a change] Regards, TATTOOMAN /-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ TATTOOMAN ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\ | NC State Computer Science Dept VP of The E. H. A. P. Corp. | | jkwilli2@adm.csc.ncsu.edu http://www.hackers.com/ehap/ | | jkwilli2@unity.ncsu.edu ehap@hackers.com | | WWW---[ | | FTP---[ | | WW2---[ http://www4.ncsu.edu/~jkwilli2/ | | W3B---[ | | PGP---[ http://www4.ncsu.edu/~jkwilli2/pgp.asc | | 35 E1 32 C7 C9 EF A0 AB 9D FE 8E FC 2D 68 55 44 | \-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-/