Robert Windrem, national security correspondent for NBC, reported on July 12 about Jeffrey Richelson's new book, "The Wizards of Langley," on the CIA's deceptive technologies: Blurb: "Intelligence historian Jeffrey Richelson's latest book focuses on four decades of innovation and inside secrets at the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology." Windrew describes one deception involving a faked satellite failure which apparently deceived Soviet experts but not amateurs who track sats. Publication date of Richelson's book is August 3 but copies are available early. MSNBC offers an informative series on "The Secret Empire: The U.S. Military in the 21st Century," which provides uncommon technological critique of the tools of war and espionage and their piggish industries. Far superior to the fluff being peddled by the agencies and their puff-ball hosts. Windrem is alleged to be the first to report on Echelon by name, purpose and field stations and fed earliest stuff to Duncan Campbell. He may someday republish his NBC reports of decades past on national security that are no longer available.