The Campaign for Radical Truth in History PO Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 .Visit our Bookstore ZOG Advances Control over Information with Clinton's Executive Order 13010 for "Information Warfare" by Michael A. Hoffman II Copyright©1997. All Rights Reserved Excerpt: "Managing the new risks inherent in an information-based society requires a different type of information exchange within the industry and between industry and government...Key to its success will be protecting the privileged information from both government and the private sector from unauthorized disclosure." -- Robert T. Marsh, Chairman, President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection The Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG) further advanced Communist-like controls over American infrastructure, and underscored the cooperation between the Communist and Capitalist mentalities, when U.S. President Bill Clinton, with virutally no scrutiny from the Establishment news media, signed totalitarian Executive Order 13010 last July (1997). This Order established a new wing of the secret, banker-controlled government of the United States. While Clinton's Executive Order itself is written in the lingo of the bureaucrat and hence is largely insipid, its "fruits" are not. Executive Order 13010 is concerned with cyberspace "threats" to the power structure; with computer hackers who have the ability to interefere with government, business and industry operations. Well, that's the cover story anyway. In practice, the Executive Order authorizes a commission of bankers, industrialists and secret policemen (and police women) to gather intelligence on dissidents, government critics and anyone who is a potential threat to the continuing hegemony of the Aryan-Zionist ruling class. Here is a portion of the remarks delivered at a meeting (chaired by Janet "The Witch of Waco" Reno), by Robert T. Marsh, Chairman, President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, at the Bankers Roundtable, Washington, DC on September 11, 1997: "One of our toughest problems -- across all infrastructures -- is the sharing of information. There is already a heavy volume of information passed by industry -- especially banks, as you well know -- to government as part of the regulatory process and through law enforcement. "Managing the new risks inherent in an information-based society requires a different type of information exchange within the industry and between industry and government. Furthermore, managing these new risks calls for partnership at many different levels, from policy-making aimed at preventing a crisis to responding if such a crisis occurs. The Commission has some specific proposals in this regard: "We will recommend the establishment of an Information Sharing, Analysis, and Warning "Organization" -- a public-private organization that embodies the trust essential for the partnership between government and the owners/operators for successful infrastructure assurance. "We envision an 'information clearinghouse' staffed by up-and-comers from both government and industry who will receive relevant information from all sources -- public and private, anonymous or attributable -- analyze this information to assess what is happening in the infrastructures, decide on the necessary protective measures to be taken, then disseminate needed information to both government and the private sector. Key to its success will be protecting the privileged information from both government and the private sector from unauthorized disclosure. "Would you be willing to take turns providing a talented young banker from your company to represent the banking and finance sector inside such an organization? "Enhance industry's information sharing capability by creating Sector Information Assurance Coordinators that best suit each infrastructure's information-sharing needs -- either through an existing association or by creating a new entity. In essence, we are proposing that each industry designate a representative to be the channel for exchanging information with the government. Your reaction? "Create a National Infrastructure Assurance Council -- a very high level council comprised of senior CEOs from throughout the critical infrastructures, meeting regularly with selected Cabinet Officers... "These recommendations lay the foundation for the 'trusted environment' to achieving the public-private partnership essential for protection into the next century." What we are seeing here is the establishment of a thought police agency within the Federal government with links to law enforcement, concealed under weasel words such as "Information Clearinghouse" and "Sector Information Assurance." This recalls the Pentagon term for the slaughter of Iraqi civilians by the U.S. Air Force-- "collateral damage." Dr. Goebbels at least had the relative honesty to call his agency the Ministry of Propaganda. The Zionist Occupation Government refers to their propaganda and secret police functions with the bland title of "National Information Assurance Council." They're not propagandists, they're "Sector Information Assurance Coordinators." Mr. Marsh's reference to the gathering of "anonymous" information is of interest. Here is the keystone of all totalitarian powers--the anonymous snitch who turns in the hated old lady next door as a witch only because he can do so without attribution. Our Anglo-Saxon Common Law requires two witnesses and the U.S. Constitution insures the right to face one's accusers, but ZOG is operating on other principles. Chairman Marsh: "The objective is to achieve voluntary participation of all players within each infrastructure and to assemble and exchange information without fear of attribution to specific sources." That is the chairman of a government commission speaking. This is not conspiracy theory. These remarks are on the record. They constitute the Revelation of the Method (cf. my book, "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare"). The System is becoming increasingly vulnerable, especially the banking system which is the biggest con-game of all, since it is based entirely on the confidence of the public in a commodity which in itself has zero value--paper notes referred to as "money." Wealth is created and dynastic families within the Aryan-Zionist ruling class are maintained, by the circulation or withdrawal of worthless Federal Reserve paper to which the public is taught to attribute value. In a similar fashion, the worthless mandates and orders of the Federal government, promoting a gigantic military-industrial complex in the service of War-Zionism and the Novus Odo Seclorum of Satan, sodomy and aborticide, are advanced almost entirely through the value of the fear and awe the public is taught to have for the Federal government. As both our funny-money and our funny-government become more and more obviously worthless in the eyes of even some of the masses of goyim, the confidence game can no longer be manintained on the basis of psychological warfare principles alone. The risk factor inherent in the System's "Truth or Consequences" gambit (discussed at length in my book) has reached the point where the risk must be "managed" by the function of cyber police. This is what Clinton's Executive Order 13010 establishes-- a gigiantic listening post for the secret police through the auspices of business and industry. Banks having been informing on their customers for years--since the administration of Ronald ("Super Patriot") Reagan who rubber-stamped the most onerous bank-reporting rules in our nation's history. Chairman Marsh admits this: "There is already a heavy volume of information passed by industry -- especially banks, as you well know--to government as part of the regulatory process and through law enforcement." Now the "turn in your neighbor" ethic of the banks is being mandated for all levels of U.S. commerce through the recruitment, in Mr. Marsh's words, of "elite CEOS." The whole point is to shore up flagging confidence in the Federal government's con-game, as Marsh admits: "Both the financial service industry and government require strong public confidence -- the industry in order to derive growth, and the government in order to derive political viability. Each is central to the daily lives of virtually every American, and the degree of trust the public is willing to place in them depends directly on the reliability of the services provided. Infrastructure, as the carrier of the communications and transactions which deliver those services, is, therefore, critical to the performance of both. With the retention of public confidence as a common bond, how might the industry and government better cooperate to assure that critical financial services are secured in the information age?" The chairman of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection is saying that bankers have an interest in deceiving the people just as government has. The bankers' interest is in continuing to reap profits and the government's interest is to maintain itself in power against populist opposition forces. Chariman Marsh says that the public will only continue to be deceived ("trust"), if the shylocks can keep the game running smoothly. Of course, that's quite a hat trick in view of the fact that the public is becoming increasingly aware that the objective of ZOG's game is their own enslavement. The focus of ZOG in this regard is the "information age." ZOG's desire is to redouble their spying on us and to further institutionalize that spying at all sectors of business and commerce and then link it to the secret police ("law enforcement") for various sorts of economic, political and career reprisals and penal sanctions. Here is Mr. Marsh, this time in a speech to the New York Federal Reserve bankers, September 24, 1997 on what they fear most: "But, as you well know, major trends of change -- globalization, industry restructuring, Internet banking, and cyber cash --combine to create new risks. This is true within the financial services industry as well as the telecommunications and electric power industries upon which financial services heavily is the vulnerability to a possible coordinated attack on physical operations centers, or on the complex 'system of systems' which enables this industry to function world-wide, that is of rising concern." Marsh before a meeting of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, Sept. 20, 1997, speaking about "illegal" government activity in connection with "information warfare": "Let me talk briefly about a recent Joint Staff exercise with which some of you are probably familiar. This was just one in a series of no-notice exercises, but this one focused specifically on information warfare. Some of the issues raised were quite troubling -- including the fact that the Joint Staff ended up fighting this war, which was not only bad but illegal. They include many of the questions that the Commission has been grappling with for the past year: Who should take the lead in responding to a cyber attack on the United States? Should there be a Commander In Chief for information warfare? Where are the borders in the cyber age? What are the jurisdictions? Is this a law enforcement or a defense problem?" Chairman Robert Marsh's ties are to the military-industrial complex. He is the former CEO of Morton-Thiokol Corporation, a notorious polluter and builder of components for nuclear warhead-laden missiles. Mr. Marsh currently is a trustee of the MITRE Corporation. According to investigative reporter Stephen Knight in his book, "Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution," London's Mitre Square was a dumping ground for the Ripper's victims. Knight states: "Mitre Square has strong Masonic significance. In fact it is fair to say it was the most Masonic of all places in London, except for the Great Hall of the Grand Lodge itself." (London: Grafton Books, 1977, p. 175). I am not here implying that Mr. Marsh is necessarily a murderer or in league with Jack the Ripper, only that his relationship with the Mitre name is a synchronicity worth noting. (For the significance of "synchronicity" to the ruling class cf. the predictive modeling of the commodities markets and the "catastrophe theory" studies of Prof. Christopher Zeeman of Warwick University). Stephen D. Mitchell of the US Justice Dept. is a member of the Marsh commission. Here he discusses the "insider threat"--the fear the government has of patriots and dissidents being hired in "critical infastructure" areas such as banks and of how to screen these "insiders" out of employment. He also expresses the government's frustration with state privacy laws: "Privacy is trickier. Our outreach revealed a degree of frustration among infrastructure owners and operators, some of whom wanted to take greater employee security precautions than some laws might otherwise allow....The importance of individual privacy has made obtaining background information on a potential or current employee a fertile area for strong state laws. Though grounded in best intentions, this has resulted in unpredictable disparities of approaches across state lines. The bottom line: a critical infrastructure owner and operator may in some instances be discouraged if not prevented from asking many of the types of questions that could help identify and prevent a growing insider threat to our infrastructures." --Department of Defense, Worldwide Anti-Terrorism Conference, Aug. 21, 1997. Other members of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection: Merritt Adams, ATT Corporation. Richard P. Case, IBM. Dr. Mary Culnan, Georgetown University. Peter Daly, U.S. Treasury. John C. Davis, National Security Agency. Brenton Greene, Dept. of Defense. William B. Joyce, CIA. Stephan D. Mitchell, Dept. of Justice. Irwin Pikus, Dept. of Commerce. John R. Powers, FEMA. Susan Siemans, FBI. Frederic Struble, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve bank. Nancy Wong, Pacific Gas and Electric. 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