BBB complaint center

Business Owner/Manager,
One of your customers has filed a complaint with The Better Business Bureau concerning the negative experience he had with your company. The consumer report is placed below. Please file your feedback to this matter as soon as possible. The promptest way to provide your response is by using the Online Complaint system. Please follow this link to access the above-mentioned customer complaint and submit your response to it:

Use the following data to login:

Case ID: #6068400
Password: 01609

The Better Business Bureau provides an efficient third-party role, and helps you resolve your customer disputes fast and efficiently. We develop and maintain online Reliability reports on American companies, available to the Public and used by millions of business customers. A positive customer report can have a distinctly positive influence on your business.

We hope for your immediate attention to this matter.

Jacob Morales
Dispute Counselor

Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York, Inc.
30 East 33rd St., 12th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Office Hours: 9-5 Monday through Friday
Fax: 212.477.4912