[anonymously quoted EC policy proposal]
A particular business might qualify for a CONFIDENTIALITY LICENSE depending on its internal procedures and activities. A general (minimum) level of confidentiality could be provided to all users.
THE HORROR! *this* is Orwellian. *this* is how to outlaw cryptography. we need some ECypherpunk infiltrators ASAP! Whoever posted this -- can you post more information on where it was contained to sci.crypt or alt.privacy.clipper, so that we can get a wider audience? there are probably plenty of Europeans who don't know about this but should! We need a contact to report to the list! I speculated on the list some time ago the efforts by NSA to get Clipper to be an *international* standard. I suggested that the Britain GCHQ would be the first to endorse it publicly. Sounds like the EC may beat them to the punch. Was NSA lobbying involved here, or did they just pick up on this great idea <smirk>? Also, where was it [Norway?] that lady posted from saying that their national secret service was pushing a proposal for cryptographic use similar to Clipper? In one word, YIKES