<HTML><PRE><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000"><FONT COLOR="#00FFFF" SIZE=3> NEW ON THE NET. Wouldn't you have liked to have been part of the first group to join Amway in the 60s, or purchased stock from a small company called Wal-Mart in the 70s, or invested in a small computer chip maker called Intel in the 80s. Anybody that made the choices above are sitting pretty well at the moment Here in the 90s, a new company was launched on the Internet, Sunday June 1st This young company has positioned itself to be among the major players for years to come. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme. This is simply a new company, with fresh ideas. A a new company that people are going to hear a lot about. If you would like to become a part of all the excitement, and learn more, simply send a blank e-mail to success02@megd.com Please put the words "MORE INFO" in the subject field. You will be sent complete info in seconds THIS IS TRULY A COMPANY AHEAD OF IT'S TIME. Thank You For Your Time. Just send a blank e-mail to success02@megd.com for a fast reply </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>