Steve Schear wrote:
At 8:06 AM -0700 10/29/1997, Tim May wrote:
At 5:38 AM -0700 10/29/97, Brad Dolan wrote:
"Michael Hays" is a new CBS series about a U.S. District Attorney. Last night's episode was about how a radio talk-show host incited a listener to kill a BATF agent and was brought to justice. DA convinced a jury that some things were "more important" than the first amendment.
Wouldn't it be interesting if someone incited a Net listener/reader to kill the producer of this "Michael Hays" episode in a "life immitates art" situation?
Has anyone on the list taken the time to estimate the percentage of TV shows (news/entertainment/etc.) which seem to mostly serve to help indoctrinate the masses with New World Order Speak? e.g. - Surveillance == Security / Police == Protection VideoCatchingCriminals III (or somesuch), is due out soon. C-16, Jag, Michael Hayes, Cops, ad infinituum, and not a one of them showing a citizen with a toilet plunger sticking out of his or her asshole. Even Jenny Jones, et al, are doing shows where parents video-spy on the babysitter, husbands video-spy on their wives, etc. If "Total Surveillance is your Friend!" then why were there no video cameras in the restroom of the NYC police precinct? Cypherpunk Action Project or just my insanity?: Are there any list members who were kicked out of the US Armed Forces after only one day and are now full-fledged members of the paramilitary? Why don't you go bomb a federal building with a day-care center in it, and see if the government and media blame it all on the US Armed forces? You know, kind of a "life imitates fascism" situation. ImitationMonger