At 06:36 PM 6/11/97 -0400, Tom McClanahan wrote:
I would like to be on your mailing list.
Which list would that be? There is the list I run dealing with Perl. (Incredibly technical and high volume.) There is the local Portland version of the Cypherpunks list. (mostly dead.) There is the list for disgruntled ex-employees of a company I used top work for. (Completely dead.) There is the list for the board of directors and co-conspiritors of a not for profit corporation. (Maybe should be dead.) Or maybe you meant THIS list... Find a book on mailing lists and look up information of "subscribing". (It is next to the information on "circumcision".)
Oh... So you are on a short fuse... --- | "That'll make it hot for them!" - Guy Grand | |"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmermann unites all| Disclaimer: | | mankind free in one-key-steganography-privacy!" | Ignore the man | |`finger -l alano@teleport.com` for PGP 2.6.2 key | behind the keyboard.| | http://www.ctrl-alt-del.com/~alan/ |alan@ctrl-alt-del.com|