I don't think I actually got "the breifing", if any such standard briefing actually exists. What Sameer is probably thinking of is that the seven authors of the "key length report" were invited down to DC to talk with a bunch of high-level policy types, but they never showed us the bodies (or the files on us, or whatever it is they show the people who they really want to impress). -matt [NB, please send any reply directly to me; I don't read the list with any regularity these days, and saw this message only because someone mentioned it. thanks. -matt]
Paraphrasing the "Wired" item, "No person who has ever received "The Briefing" has ever again argued forcefully for the rights of citizens to use strong cryptography."
It's my understanding that this statement is now false. I believe that Matt Blaze recently received "The Briefing" and he is still on our side. (I personally think it was a mistake on their part to give him said Briefing, as they should have realized he couldn't be converted. Now that someone has "withstood the Briefing" it gives them less credibility.)
-- Sameer Parekh Voice: 510-601-9777x3 Community ConneXion, Inc. FAX: 510-601-9734 The Internet Privacy Provider Dialin: 510-658-6376 http://www.c2.net/ (or login as "guest") sameer@c2.net