I wanted to see what other nonsense this nitwit has written, and found this: At 10:12 AM -0800 10/23/98, Kevlar wrote:
My bad. You were serious. But still...
My bad _what_? The fragment "My bad" is nonsense.
Mozilla (NS), IE, and many other less well known (but certianly as popular) WEB browsers have encryption built right into them, so you can do things "Securely". Nobody uses their real name on the internet, unless it's for buisness,
Nonsense. Many of us use our "real names" on the Internet, right here on this non-business list. In fact, real names outnumber nyms by probably 10-1. Ditto for most of the Usenet and most mailing lists. Chat rooms may be a different story...I wouldn't know about them.
Naturally this is in compareison to the internet's predacessor (Not ARPAnet, that was a government project. BBS's came first) <grumblegrumbledamninternetstoleallthecallersfrommyboardafter5yearsofrunning itgrumble>, which were mostly free to anyone who came and wanted to dl/ul a file or post in the message base. And usally if it wasn't open you could apply for access.
No, BBBs (not "BBS's") did _not_ come first. I had an ARPANet account in 1973 or so, long before any meaningful BBSs were available. (And the ARPANet goes back to 1967-8 or so.) Nitwit. --Tim May Y2K -- LMGALMAO -- Loading my guns and laughing my ass off ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Licensed Ontologist | black markets, collapse of governments.