Dear Veripost User:

Yesterday, you submitted an e-mail change of address registration to Veripost. We wanted to remind you that before your service can begin,
you must confirm your registration by clicking on the link sent to your current e-mail address –

Also, please verify your change of address from this address by clicking the button below.


Clicking that button verifies that the information below is accurate:

  • Old Address:
  • Current Address:

If the above information is not correct, please click here to make changes.

Thank you for using our service,

Veripost, Your E-mail Change of Address Solution

** Service Benefits **
Want to see what you can do once you confirm? Click here!

** Troubleshooting **
To unsubscribe from the Veripost service, click here.

If you did not submit this e-mail change of address request, please cancel the unauthorized request by clicking here. IMPORTANT: If you click this link, you will not be able to re-register this same address combination.

If you have any questions, please do not reply to this message. Instead, please send any questions to