----- The following text is an automated response to your message ----- ******No one will see any message you send.******* If you require assistance with any of the following Please direct your Email to the specified department. Individual departments may send you further instructions. 1. How do I cancel my membership? If you still wish to cancel your membership you must go to the Incest home page and click on the Customer Service button. Choose the Cancel option and be sure to consider the offers available before confirming your disconnection. Remember you will need the following: ***Username: ***Password: This information is required in order for us to properly process the cancellation. Once you have provided this information we will cancel your membership. 2. I forgot my Password?: Please go to the link http://www.incest.com/forgotincest.htm We will then verify your membership and Email you your password utilizing the email address you supplied when you joined. If your Email address has changed - please include both your new and old Email address for further verification. 3. How do I Join? Over the Internet Just go to http://www.incest.com/prejoin.htm 4. I'm having problems accessing real video/audio? First and foremost, we do not provide tech support for real audio. You must read their documentation or contact them. What we can do is suggest that you download the newest version of real player and install that - Real Player 8 - Basic URL: www.real.com 5. Can I Email to an actual customer service representative? OF COURSE, we always welcome direct contact with our customers. However, keep in mind that our staff have a variety hours and tasks. Our first obligation is to keep our Web services running at optimal performance. We will get back to you as soon as time and work schedules permit. If the Automatic Reponse System does not address your specific your question, then please feel free to contact us. Customer Service and Tech Services- pat@incest.com - Pat Hays 6. How do I submit a story? Send your stories (in the body of your email, not as an attachment) to the following address: mystory@incest.com