-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- At 11:10 PM 8/16/96 -0400, you wrote:
Did anyone else catch the AP wire story (it ran here in the SF Chronicle on Thursday) about the Singapore government cracking down on "undesirable" (e.g., sex smut, anti-govt. postings etc.) content on web sites, usenet etc. Their basically forcing, by law, Singapore ISPs to use proxy servers that contain the information that the govt. deems fit.
Scary if you ask me. But then they have a govt. that acts like it's the management of Disneyland.
"Have a nice ride!" -B ===================================================== Brendon Macaraeg http://www.itp.tsoa.nyu.edu/~brendonm Finger macaragb@acf2.nyu.edu for my PGP Public Key
"Disneyland with the death penalty" To quote William Gibson. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQEVAwUBMhXI9P+hzPlzwZAdAQFgNAgA0qjtwaCv+O8+Ye0OtCmxAzW0LBsXfRtK 1nZmbUqh5NIDHSviQrDDGEX1/Oajai1cpiCZtt3MbhlWUXWgzcbxOX2ZZDUA/4xc 4/TCBeRZ5lRfSnUeV0NhmLnrX4hgVuwMS+x0Z5LnkK0hg39GByMoiqM7MFJHKBQ3 PXTqSnGnNv+dDG1ZcClZff2JIAiNLHcxx8MOk60E9kLAPVYv2XAkID3FmuuHRS2G 6zPDe6Jlgs2tmCP8u5fQEnfaGYqQiUvfg8bqJt2x5BeMGJfY7Nbj0SureFZ7lQs6 /soG82FQkdUykewoOk+lnTJ3S3UY6am3GNwCFzPuMhfpuMizBzEF8g== =RFbe -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- PGP encrypted mail preferred. E-Mail me for my key. Scott J. Schryvers <schryver@radiks.net>