<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>tripwire switches</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <FONT SIZE=5>Tripwire Switches</FONT> <BR> <BR> <BR> A tripwire is an element of the classic booby trap. By placing a nearly invisible line of string or fishing line in the probable path of a victim, and by putting some type of trap there also, nasty things can be caused to occur. If this mode of thought is applied to explosives, how would one use such a tripwire to detonate a bomb. The technique is simple. By wrapping the tips of a standard clothespin with aluminum foil, and placing something between them, and connecting wires to each aluminum foil contact, an electric tripwire can be made, If a piece of wood attached to the tripwire was placed between the contacts on the clothespin, the clothespin would serve as a switch. When the tripwire was pulled, the clothespin would snap together, allowing current to flow between the two pieces of aluminum foil, thereby completing a circuit, which would have the igniter or squib in it. Current would flow between the contacts to the igniter or squib, heat the igniter or squib, causing it it to explode. <BR> <BR> <HR> <PRE> __________________________________ \_foil___________________________/ Insert strip of ----------------------------spring wood with trip- _foil__________________________ wire between foil /_______________________________\ contacts.</PRE> <HR><BR> Make sure that the aluminum foil contacts do not touch the spring, since the spring also conducts electricity.<BR> <BR> <HR><BR> <I>From the Terror Handbook</I> </BODY> </HTML>