9 Oct
9 Oct
8:38 p.m.
Incognito Innominatus QueryPosited:
Does he ever post anything worthwhile?
Canadian Customs thinks so. They kept me waiting at a border crossing for 5 million hours while they photocopied printouts of his CPUNX emails that I had in my possession. I offered to testify that Choate was the Real [TM] author of the Federalist Papers, which CanCustumsOffalSchills deemed to be hard evidence of CriminalIntentOfSomeSortOrAnother, but they declined... CJ Parker <sonofgomez709@yahoo.com> http://profiles.yahoo.com/sonofgomez709 http://www.technopagan.org/politics/xenix/ http://members.w-link.net/~sog/INDEX.HTM