Hello ! Your site talk about Nostradamus. I'm very sorry but in quatrain X 72, Nostradamus didn't talk about Mongols, Cassini, comets, wars, eclipses, JFK, the Antichrist, or Osiris ! If you want to learn the truth about Nostradamus' prophecy for 1999, there's a good address : http://members.aol.com/AlainThuot/e_nostra2.htm Nostradamus' prophecy came completely true : the final explanation of the quatrain word by word ! Now, the truth is at last available in English ! + en français + em português (I can read an email in english but I can't reply in english because I don't speak english. It's not me who made the translation in english on my site. I can reply in french if you want.) //_________________________________ On my site, you can read too : 1998 : a World Cup shrouded in mystery
Learn all about the mysterious coincidences which lined the way of the French during the 1998 World Cup (soccer)
The storm of December 26, 1999
Why didn't the media warn the French ?
//_________________________________ Thanks, Alain Thuot ************************************************* AlainThuot@aol.com http://members.aol.com/AlainThuot/accueil.htm *************************************************