How Australia is preparing for terrorism "...Since the attacks on the US, Osama bin Laden has made two specific mentions of Australia.." "...ASIO agents have been dispatched to recruit from Muslim communities and more than 30 suspect homes have been raided. Already ASIO has identified a small number of Australians who have received terrorist training with al Qaeda, apart from those already in US custody. Other terrorist groups have identified local supporters." ""Future terrorism could involve anything from chemical warfare to cyber terrorism," "Attorney-General Daryl Williams, who claims a meeting of national leaders in April clarified that situation, with the Commonwealth authorised to take control of national terrorist incidents. The heavily amended anti-terrorism laws recently passed by the Senate have bolstered defences against terrorism, Williams says, with supporting or committing terrorism punishable by life imprisonment. He now wants Senate support for stalled legislation to boost ASIO's reach, including the power to detain and question suspects without charges or legal advice." Fuck who need foreign terrorists.Still,on the bright side..."spot checks by the Department of Transport have shown it is possible for people to get through metal detectors at some airports while carrying knives."