Of course, it seems perfectly obvious to Markey that 2600 is a "handbook on crime", but EG should have turned around and pointed out that he's just transmitting information on the world and there is nothing wrong with that. Gosh, if there was then Congressional Hearings and C-Span should be rated R to prevent the little whippersnappers from seeing and hearing demonstrations like the one that John Gage gave the committee several weeks ago. One person commented that Time magazine's latest article on Crack was practically a "How-To" guide. It satisfied the "Enquiring Minds" that wanted to know just what those people did with the magic crystals. Another friend informs me that Pornography is often transmitted with the label "For Scientific Research purposes only." Apparently, the law contains some exception for Doctors and Biologists. Hmmm. I wonder where Masters and Johnson fit in here. -Peter Wayner