Lucky Green wrote:
At 02:50 PM 4/17/97 -0700, Kent Crispin wrote:
I note that on the network news this morning an AF spokesman very painstakingly assured his questioner that there was absolutely no evidence of any kind that the missing pilot had any connection whatsoever with any militia groups.
Neither did Tim McVeigh. He went to a militia meeting once. They told him to get lost and never come back. In fact, the only common thread amongst the Oklahoma City bombing suspects seems to be their (past?) service in the US military. Come to think of it, that's one thing they have in common with the missing bomber pilot.
From MediaFilter: In October 1992, two months after the Weaver surrender, Pete Peters, a Christian Identity minister in Colorado, called a meeting of some 175 radical right leaders. Among those in attendance were Aryan Nations ambassador Louis Beam and his lawyer, Kirk Lyons of North Carolina.
Also in attendance was former Virginia legislator and Gun Owners of America leader Larry Pratt, who advocated "armed militia units" like those in Central America. Beam presented a paper to the meeting called "Leaderless Resistance", which called for small autonomous cells united by ideology but acting independently. This became the model for the Militia movement_and perhaps for Timothy McVeigh and his co_conspirators. Perhaps the great outcrys of "Timothy who?" that came from many parts of the militia were similar to the similar cries of "Jim who?" after Jim Bell's troubles. TruthWho?