<HTML><PRE> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>STOP SITTING AROUND AND DOING NOTHING! $$$ <B>TOTALLY NEW</B>! $$$ DON'T LET LIFE AND OPPORTUNITY PASS YOU BY ! $$$ <B>TOTALLY NEW!</B> $$$ YOUR TIME HAS COME AND IT IS NOW!!!<FONT COLOR="#ff8080" SIZE=3> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> $$$ <B>TOTALLY NEW! </B>$$$ <FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3> <B>YOU ARE ONE OF THE FIRST TO SEE THIS</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></B> <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=3> HELP OTHERS SUCCEED, A "WIN-WIN" PROPOSITION LIKE NO OTHER! </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> <FONT COLOR="#0080ff" SIZE=3> WE HAVE TAKEN A SUCCESSFUL FORMULA AND <B>MASTERED IT!</B>!!!!!!</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> <B> DO NOT DELETE THIS MESSAGE WITHOUT READING IT HELP YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY SUCCEED HELP YOURSELF!!!!!!! </B> <FONT COLOR="#008080" SIZE=3><B> $1,000,000.00 IN 6 MONTHS ! $1,000,000.00 IN 6 MONTHS ! $1,000,000.00 IN 6 MONTHS ! $1,000,000.00 IN 6 MONTHS ! $1,000,000.00 IN 6 MONTHS ! $1,000,000.00 IN 6 MONTHS !</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3></B> <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=3><B>TOTALLY NEW! TOTALLY NEW! TOTALLY NEW! TOTALLY NEW! </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> </B>I am sure that you have received many Emails in the past that showed ways of making a lot of money fast. I am sure you have discarding these as some pyramid scam or chain letter scheme. But you probably have wondered if these "systems "actually work . They <U>WORK! <B> . </U></B>However many of the programs have serious flaws and are extended so far as to make only the few succeed and the majority unsuccessful. We have taken a successful , very successful, formula and combined it with great products designed to make even the most computer illiterate succeed.But we have also taken it to the next level, a chance for you to help others around you . Nothing is more satisfying than being able to bring happiness to others. It is a gift that you can't put a price tag on. Email has come along way .It is still almost totally free-except for your ISP account. You can literally reach millions of people at no cost. This sure beats postal delivery . Our program will get even the beginner computer user on the path of success.<B> </B>Of course over the last few months a few road blocks have appeared that has hindered many success programs. These are; <B> </B> ******************* 1. goverment is trying to pass legislation to limit or stop what has until now been a free way of advertising. Email will be severly restricted, very, very soon.Up until now,this type of program is 100% legal and has no laws governing it. Soon this will change. ******************* 2.Internet service providers ,usch as AOL and Compuserve are really trying their best to end unsolicited Emailing. ******************* 3. Once you have seen a certain program that has "flooded" the internet lines, it is already too late. The People who have made money are on to bigger and brighter things, and the majority of people will just delete the Email because they have seen it hundreds of times already. ******************** 4. OTHER PROGRAMS HAVE PRODUCTS AND REPORTS THAT ARE THERE SPECIFICALLY TO JUSTIFY THE PROGRAM( make them legal). This program has a <B>great product</B> that can change peoples lives and help others around them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ <B> <FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=3>IF YOU EVER THOUGHT OF TRYING A PROGRAM , NOW IS THE TIME AND THIS IS THE PROGRAM! </B> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ <B>THIS PROGRAM CAN ENABLE YOU TO MAKE $1,000,000 IN 6 MONTHS! </B> Here is what happenned to me, Hi my name is Stephen Haughten, I am 34 yrs old and have been employed in the retail industry for 12 years working for someone else ,barely making enough to pay the bills and at a dead end . I have always tried new ideas and different investment stategies with little if any success. In Sept of 96' , While "surfing the web" on AOL , I received a Email from some one showing how I could make "$50,000 in 90 days" It seemed like some" get rich quick scheme ", but what the hell , my out of the pocket expense was $20 and a little time. I can spend $20 in seconds on meaningless items, so why not spend it on something that may help my current financial situation. After I emailed A few thousand people the program , I started receiving $5 bills in the mail. I was quite surprised to say the least. I sent out more Emails and before I knew it I had to switch to a P.O box because my mailbox couldn't fit all e letters. Within 11 weeks I had made $42 000.00 ! It was like I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I paid off the $19000.00 that I owed in credit card bills and it was like I was a new person. I couldn't wait to check the P.O. Box each day! After the letters started to trickle down, I did the program again along with this other similer program that I saw. By March 97' I quit my job, paid off all my debt and saw my money market acct grow from $1,500 to over $100,000 ! ,in little over 7 months! True story! I was now a "full time" computer Emailer. When I say full time , I say that I spend a few hours a day Email,sorting through the mail and mailing out the programs' letters to the people who sent me e $5.The rest of the time I spent with my wife and my two sons . It was great to finally be able to spend time with them, as I have always felt that I never was able to give them the quality time they needed. Best of all, My wife enjoyed helping me open the letters and mailing out the programs!My wife was working as a secretary while trying to raise our children. Now she was able to quit her job and the change in her was unbelievable! We were finally beginning to live the life we so deserved. ************************* On October 30th,1997 I decided to launch my new ,improved and faster program. This program has all of the key positive points from the several different programs that I have used. And most importantly it is new and easy to use. ************************* But the absolute best part is the reports that you send and receive actually are are <B>ALL NEW!</B> and can show people how to take control of and improve their lives in every shape and form ! ************************* Prior reports from similer programs , were basically there only to justify the program. These NEW reports are - <B>PRICELESS! </B> The reports are unbelivable! The information in the programs alone may change your life; financially,emotionally,spiritually, in every way! If you have tried other Email programs and had limited success, it was because of three things ; <B> 1. EFFORT 2. TIMING 3. PRODUCT </B> ************************ THIS PROGRAM TAKES CARE OF ISSUES #2 AND #3 . THE EFFORT IS UP TO YOU. I can not stress how much of the success of a program depends on the product and ease of use. Here is your chance , I do not know how long you will have this opportunity, only the goverment can decide. <B> IT IS A CAN'T LOSE - "WIN-WIN" OPPORTUNITY!! </B> ******************************************************************** <B> THIS PROGRAM ,UNLIKE THE OTHERS , HAS A GREAT PRODUCT AND IT WILL SUCCEED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PEOPLE TRYING TO HELP OTHERS LIVE AND ENJOY LIFE TO THE FULLEST </B> ********************************************************************* <B>THIS IS THE PROGRAM TO TRY ! YOU MAY NOT GET ANOTHER CHANCE! </B> Here is how the program works; Print this now for future reference*********************** This is a money making phenomenon !!!!!!!!!! You are looking at the most profitable and unique program you may ever see. It is proven to generate large sums of money and it is completely legal. It does not require you to come in contact with people, it doesn't require hard work and you never have to leave the house . We sell thousands of people a product for $10.00 that costs very little to produce on e-mail. We build our business by recruiting new members and partners and selling our products. The product in this program is a series of 4 reports providing tips for financial, emotional and spiritial gain. Each $10.00 order you receive by mail will include the e-mail address of the sender. To fill the order, simply e-mail the report to the buyer, that's it!!!!!!!!!!!! The $10.00 they send is yours simply for sending the report via e-mail. <B>YOU MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY!</B> This is what you do ............................ 1.Order all 4 reports that are listed below. For each report you send $10.00 cash, your e-mail address, return postal address (in case of mail errors) to each person listed below. When you order, be sure to list the specific report you need. You will need all 4 reports to save on your computer for reselling them. 2. <B>IMPORTANT Do not alter the names, or the sequence that they are in or you will not profit the way you should.THIS IS A KEY TO MAKING THE PROGRAM WORK. It is not fair to the others in the program if you do not follow the program exactly. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE THEM TO DO UNTO YOU! -the golden rule of life . </B> 3. Replace the name and address under REPORT #1 with your name and move the name that was there down to REPORT #2. Move the name on REPORT #2 to REPORT #3 and so on eliminating the name on report #4. They are well on their way to financial independance by now so don't worry . Copy the names and addresses accurately and do not remove the Report/Product positions. Take this entire text and save it on your computer. Now your ready to start selling your product on the web. Start your campaign as soon as you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***********ALWAYS PROVIDE SAME DAY SERVICE******************* ALWAYS SEND $10.00 CASH FOR EACH ORDER (CONCEALED) FOR EACH ORDER REQUESTING THE SPECIFIC REPORT BY NAME AND NUMBER. ALWAYS SEND MAIL FIRST CLASS AND PROVIDE YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS FOR QUICK DELIVERY. THIS MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION OF YOUR LIFE, BUT IT'S UP TO YOU... I AM GIVING YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO OPEN YOUR MIND, VISUALIZE YOUR GOALS AND YOUR DREAMS, AND TAKE THE FIRST STEP TOWARD THEM. THE INFORMATION I HAVE PROVIDED HERE WILL ALLOW YOU TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS AND REALIZE YOUR DREAMS. YOUR INCOME DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LIMITED TO AN HOURLY WAGE OR A SALARY. TAKE THE INITIATIVE! ... IT MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE! ____________________________________________________ REPORT #1 <B>"EMAIL MILLIONAIRES-THE ROAD TO INDEPENDANCE" </B> ORDER REPORT #1 FROM: A&L INC. 113 MT. HERMON WAY OCEAN GROVE , N.J. 07756 _____________________________________________________ REPORT #2 <B>"REAL ESTATE -'THE ART OF THE FLIP'" </B> ORDER REPORT #2 FROM: SMITH & CO. P.O. BOX 678 KEYPORT N.J. 07735 _____________________________________________________ REPORT #3 <B>"MAKE 10-20% A MONTH IN STOCKS" </B> ORDER REPORT #3 FROM: MS INC. 46 W. SHORE ST KEANSBURG N.J. 07734 ______________________________________________________ REPORT #4 <B>"THE STRANGEST SECRET " </B> ORDER REPORT #4 FROM: McCollough 504 13th ave Belmar N.J. 07719 ______________________________________________________ HERE'S HOW THIS AMAZING PLAN WILL EARN YOU MONEY Let's say you decide to start small just to see how it goes. Assume your goal is to get only 20 people to participate on your first level. (Placing FREE ads on the internet could get a better response.) Also assume that everyone else in YOUR BUILDING ORGANIZATION gets only 20 downline members. Follow this example for the STAGGERING results below: 1st level -- your 20 members with 10 ($10 x 20) $200 (position 1) 2nd level --20 members from those 20 ($10 x 400) $4000 (position 2) 3rd level -- 20 members from those 400 ($10 x 8,000) $80,000 (position 3) 4th level -- 20 members from those 8,000 ($10 x 160,000) $1,600,000 (position 4) THIS TOTALS-----------> <B> $1,684,200.00 !!!!!!!!! </B> Remember friends, this is assuming that the people who participate only recruit 20 people each. Imagine what the response would be if you only got 10 more people to participate! Some people get 100's of recruits! STOP AND THINK ABOUT IT! By the way, your cost to participate in this is practically nothing. You obviously already have an internet connection and e-mail is FREE!!! REMEMBER: Approx. 50,000 new people get online monthly! ORDER YOUR REPORTS NOW!!! *******TIPS FOR SUCCESS******* TREAT THIS AS YOUR BUSINESS! Send for the four reports IMMEDIATELY, so you will have them when the orders start coming in because: When you receive a $10 order, you MUST send out the requested product/report to comply with the U.S. Postal & Lottery Laws, Title 18, Sections 1302 and 1341 or Title 18, Section 3005 in the U.S. Code, also Code of Federal Regs. vol. 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state that: "a product or service must be exchanged for money received." * ALWAYS PROVIDE SAME-DAY SERVICE ON THE ORDERS YOU RECEIVE. * Be patient and persistent with this program. If you follow the instructions EXACTLY the results WILL undoubtedly be SUCCESS! * ABOVE ALL, HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN SUCCEED! *******YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINE******* The check point that guarantees your success is simply this: You MUST receive 10 to 20 orders for REPORT #1! THIS IS A MUST! If you don't within two weeks, advertise more and send out more programs until you do. Then, a couple of weeks later you should receive at least 100 orders for REPORT #2. If you don't, advertise more and send out more programs until you do. Once you have received 100 or more orders for REPORT #2, YOU CAN RELAX, because you will be on your way to the BANK! Or, you can DOUBLE your efforts! REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list you are in front of a DIFFERENT report, so you can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by what report people are ordering from you. IT'S THAT EASY!!! ==================================================== <B>ORDER TODAY AND GET STARTED ON THE PATH TO YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM!!! </B> Very few people reach financial independence, because when opportunity knocks, they choose to ignore it. It is much easier to say "NO" than "YES", and this is the question that you must answer. Will YOU ignore this amazing opportunity or will you take advantage of it? If you do nothing, you have indeed missed something and nothing will change. Please re-read this material, this is a special opportunity. My method is simple. I sell thousands of people a product for $10 that costs me pennies to produce and e-mail. I should also point out this program is legal and everyone who participates WILL make money. This is not a chain letter or pyramid scam. This is a business! You are offering a awesome product to your people. After they purchase the product from you, they reproduce more and resell them. The information contained in these REPORTS IS UNBELIEVABLE! They will not only help you in making your participation in this program more rewarding, but THEY MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND HELP THOSE YOU LOVE AND CARE ABOUT! . You are also buying the rights to reprint all of the REPORTS, which will be ordered from you by those to whom you mail this program. The concise REPORTS you will be buying are easy to duplicate for your entrepreneurial endeavor. Thank you for your attention. Now make the decision that's right for you. <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3> </PRE></H