Guatemala Tries 3 Officers, Saying They Instigated '90 Killing After years of delays and intimidation, three high-ranking officers who once commanded a presidential security and intelligence unit are being tried on charges that they masterminded the killing of a vocal critic of the military in 1990.....( New York Times, 9 Sep 02) Trial alleges Guatemalan guard's deadly role Myrna Mack knew the death squads were after her. The 39-year-old anthropologist asked neighbors to watch for intruders outside her home, began varying her travel habits and told a priest she feared for her life. They got her anyway.....( AP, 8 Sep 02) Guatamala used PROMIS stolen Inslaw software to track and trace dissidents.The AFP still use it even though it's said to have a CIA backdoor. The reminders of Canada's role in an espionage scandal in Israel have distant echoes of 40 years ago when Canada was researching North Vietnam for the UN and leaking information to the CIA through ASIS.Page 85.'Oyster' by Brian Toohey.