On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 11:38:07AM -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
Steve Furlong wrote:
On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 16:21, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
Tastes just like chicken?
Can we change the subject? My girlfriend is Chinese, I've already eaten things that I wouldn't have considered to be food, she doesn't like my cat, and I don't want her getting any ideas.
There must be a problem with the ds.pro-ns.net node dropping some posts. I've seen replies by several people to at least three posts in the last week that I never got the original one, like the above.
However, to answer Robert's question, cat probably wouldn't taste like chicken. Carnivore and herbivore meat tastes much different.
Chickens ain't herbivores, they are omnivores, and, in fact, prefer meat, bugs, etc. to all else. We always killed snowshoe rabbits for them in the Winter, and hung the carcasses just a bit off the ground so the chickens had to hop a bit to peck at it, which kept them warm. And if you've ever seen them go after a sick chicken, you'd know they are also cannabals. In fact, if you were to hit your head or otherwise pass out in a chicken house, they'd kill you pretty quick, or at least peck out your eyes, and then go as deep as they could. Likewise with any wound you had, say if you fell and hit your head badly.
I haven't eaten domestic cat, but I have eaten lion. Suprisingly, it was a light tender meat, resembling veal more than anything else. Tasted good.
A lot of old trappers I've know tell me they've eaten bobcat and lynx and that they were tasty, and a lot like chicken. -- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix http://www.cybershamanix.com