Police chief volunteers for the soft drill. Subject: patriot games Police chief hits back over Omagh. http://www.observer.co.uk/nireland/story/0,11008,619650,00.html Henry McDonald, Ireland editor Sunday December 16, 2001 The Observer The police chief at the centre of the row over the Omagh bombing last night launched a savage attack on 'highly unreliable' informants who claimed the RUC had ignored advance warnings of an attack. In his first newspaper interview since the controversy began, Sir Ronnie Flanagan - who had said publicly he would 'commit suicide' if allegations of incompetence were proved. ALSO The coming crypto-pedo crackdown. Subject: The Pedo-crackdown Police want new powers to lock up paedophiles. Martin Bright, home affairs editor Sunday December 16, 2001 The Observer Senior police officers last night called for powers to lock up dangerous paedophiles without charge to avoid a repeat of the Sarah Payne murder case. Sir John Stevens, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, believes that the authorities should have the power to 'section' high-risk paedophiles in the same way as schizophrenics can be removed from the community for treatment if they are judged a serious risk to themselves or others. More on... http://www.observer.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,619619,00.html The dickheads are getting desperate as JOG might say.