On Saturday, September 15, 2001, at 07:01 AM, Derek Balling wrote:
Readers Digest and Yahoo are sponsoring a poll that asks various questions about what freedoms people are willing to sacrifice...
Hitting up public opinion for bad policies in a time of sorrow is wrong, in my opinion, and its important that all sides get their voices heard on this topic.
The sheeple are being asked in online polls, in man-on-the-street surveys by news crews, just how many civil liberties we should give up. Tim's Alternative Poll: Q: What do you think should be done to those who violate the Bill of Rights, for example, by suspending various of our civil liberties?: a) arrest, trial, and, if convicted, lengthy imprisonment for tens of thousands of cops, judges, bureaucrats, and others complicit in any way whatsoever with this suspension of civil liberties b) victims should fight back with all resources, and, if possible, kill their attackers c) all government employees involved in such a suspension should be herded together and then doused with aviation fuel and lit... d) we should demand to know why the CIA, er, the Taliban, altered its plans to hit the Capitol and instead diverted at the last minute into a nearly empty section of the Pentagon