Obviously, this is a forgery, it isn't me, my guess is, it's our 'nobody' - << Boy, do I feel like an idiot!!! I got my head out of my ass and checked out the headers on some of the messages coming from the list and discovered that many of them, including the one I am referring to above, are forgeries by Ulf Moller (who has those two 'eyes' over the 'o' in his name, just like the eye in the pyramid on the US dollar-bill, which means he must be a Bavarian Illuminati shill). Received: (from cpunks@localhost) by einstein.ssz.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) id UAA02347 for cypherpunks@algebra.com; Wed, 13 May 1998 20:33:59 -0500 Received: from public.uni-hamburg.de (public.uni-hamburg.de []) by einstein.ssz.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id UAA02311 for <cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com>; Wed, 13 May 1998 20:33:32 -0500 Received: from paris.public.uni-hamburg.de (max2-145.public.uni-hamburg.de []) Received: by ulf.mali.sub.org (Smail3.1.28.1 #1) Message-Id: <m0yZmcP-0003bcC@ulf.mali.sub.org> Date: Thu, 14 May 98 03:15 +0200 From: ulf@fitug.de (Ulf =?iso-8859-1?Q?M=F6ller?=) To: cypherpunks@einstein.ssz.com, mix-l@jpunix.com Subject: Re: "... would cause us to look at this person as a threat" I would like to apologize to Tim, and to all of the other cypherpunks that I have offended by my stupid, ignorant posts and attitude on the list. I'm not really a CypherPunk. I don't even suck cock! (OK, I sucked my brother's cock a little, when I was younger, but that was just 'experimentation', OK? By the time I was nine, I had started fucking my little sister, so that *proves* I'm straight, eh?) Anyway, I don't think we should put up with this shit from Ulf (DoubleEye Illuminati) Moller. Let's all spam him. Stan Guildenstern http://A(h)OL(e).commie/Boy_Am_I_Stupid!!!.html >>