Let us send your message to business opportunity seekers! Prices Send 10,000 $40 Send 25,000 $75 Send 50,000 $125 Send 100,000 $200 Send 250,000 $450 Text OR HTML messages. E-mail us below and we will send further details. Simply, you need to provide us with a copy of the e-mail message you would like to send, and how many you are interested in sending. Be sure to include your "Subject Line". Make the message such that someone will reply for "more info" before you send them your actual url. We suggesting setting up a separate free e-mail account just for this purpose. Also send us any questions you might have. We handle all removes and undeliverables, you only need to worry about answering e-mail requests. E-mail Us mailto:emcy72501@yahoo.com?Subject=EmailService * Above prices are for messages under 5K, for messages over 5K, prices will be higher, depending on message. ------------------- To be removed from future mailings:mailto:memcy102001@yahoo.com?Subject=Remove