Next week: the RIAA tries to make portscanners as criminal piracy tools, and activity on port 6699 as 'probable cause' SINCE MONDAY, the Recording Industry Association of America, the main trade group representing record labels, has sent about 60 legal notices to the Internet-service companies that provide Web connections for �Open Napster� servers. These are computers that run Napster-like software, but aren�t associated with the Redwood City, Calif., company�s service. Numerous free programs, such as one called �Napigator,� can be downloaded from the Internet and used to locate Open Napster servers. Napigator author Chad Boyda said there are about 350 such machines operating, though the number varies daily. ....... Unbeknown to the latter, Marks had already cracked General de Gaulle's private cypher in a spare moment on the lavatory.