Geraint Price wrote:
This technology already exists in Britain (I don't know about any other countries), where you can buy a mobile without any subscription information off the shelf. To use the mobile, you go and purchase a 'token' which allows you to use the mobile on a pay-per-call basis much the same as a public phone.
Dan Todd wrote:
There is a similar (probably a number of them) service in parts of the US. While visiting Michigan recently I saw a wireless phone with a "calling card" from a company called Isis. It appeared to be an anonymous, pre-paid cellular phone
Keep in mind that Timothy McVeigh thought he had anonymity with his use of a prepaid 'anonymous' phone card over public payphones. He was wrong. The testimony in this regard at McVeigh's trial was 'fixed'--not in the 'facts' of tracing his identity, but in the 'timing' of tracing his identity. i.e. - It was made to appear to be a longer and more difficult process than it truly was. It is highly unlikely that electronically-based 'anonymous' technology is going to be any more untracable than meatspace-disseminated tools of anonymity. X-1.237Y-2.459Z-37.46Monger